Saturday, August 31, 2019

Basic Cash Management Process Essay

Every company can be viewed as a cash pool into which funds flow from various sources. Several techniques are used to speed the collection of such funds. Conversely, cash flows out of the pool for payables and other disbursement reasons. An important aspect of cash management is to control tightly both cash inflows and outflows. When cash inflows exceed cash outflows, surplus cash builds up. This surplus can be used to repay debts or for investment in marketable securities. Alternatively, when outgoing funds exceed the inflow, the firm must raise money by borrowing or by selling some marketable securities. THE CONCEPT OF FLOAT A cash manager’s job is to make payments to others as slowly as possible and to convert into cash – or clear – payments received from others as quickly as possible. The reason is float, the most important element of cash management. Float is the amount of uncollected funds moving through the financial transfer system. It shows up as the difference between the balance shown on a firm’s checking account and the balance on the bank’s books. For example, suppose a firm writes, on average, $100,000 of checks daily. If it takes four days for checks to clear and be deducted from the firm’s bank balance, the firm’s own books will show a cash balance that is $400,000 less than the bank’s records indicate. The firm has the use of these funds, called disbursement float, as long as this situation persists. On the other hand, the firm loses the use of check-clearing float – one component of collection float – on the checks that it has deposited in its account but that have not yet cleared. Suppose the firm deposits $90,000 in checks every day, and these checks clear in three days on average. The firm’s books then show cash balances that are $270,000 larger than the bank’s books indicate. Thus, the firm’s net float – the difference between its $400,000 disbursement float and its $270,000 check-clearing float – is $130,000. This means that the firm’s actual cash balance is $130,000 greater than its recorded cash balance. The firm can invest or otherwise spend these excess funds. The float on an individual item can be measured in dollar-days and is calculated as the amount of the check multiplied by the number of days of delay until that check clears: Alternatively, the average daily float can be calculated as the average daily receipts multiplied by the average delay in collecting each dollar.   The average delay in collecting a dollar equals the total dollar-days of float divided by the total amount received during the period or Average Delay The existence of float lies at the core of every system designed to accelerate, decelerate, or control corporate funds. By reducing collection float, the corporate treasurer can accelerate cash flow and enhance the return on current assets. Similarly, corporate cash flow may be improved by increasing disbursement float. The value of decreasing collection float or increasing disbursement float is tied to the opportunity cost of funds. It can be measured as   Value of Float = Dollar Amount of Float times Time times Interest Rate For example, suppose a firm can reduce the collection time on $5 million of receivables by three days. Assuming that it will invest this money at an annual interest rate of 10 percent, it will earn interest at a rate of .10/365 per day on the $5 million. Therefore, the value of a three-day reduction in collection float is $5,000,000 times 3 times 0.10/365 = $4,109.59 If collections ordinarily average $5 million daily and the company managed to reduce the float permanently by three days, it would then be able to free up $15 million in working capital. At 10 percent interest, this reduction in float is worth $1.5 million ($5,000,000 times 3 times .10) annually. Using a 10 percent discount rate, the present value of this permanent reduction in float is $15 million ($1,500,000/.10). Reworking this example with a different interest rate, say 6 percent, reveals that if the company can permanently free up $15 million in working capital, its shareholders will be $15 million richer ($900.000/.6), regardless of the interest rate. In other words, the value created by a permanent reduction in float is independent of the interest rate. Collection Float Collection float is the time that receivables spend in the process of being collected. It consists of the following four elements: 1.Invoicing float is the interval from the time a company creates an invoice and mails it to the customer until the customer places the payment in the mail. During this phase of the collection cycle, the cash manager has no control over the funds. 2.Mail float, the next phase in the cycle, is the time taken by the U.S. Postal Service to deliver the customer’s check. 3.Having received payment, the company experiences processing float, the flow of the check through the company’s accounting system on its way to be deposited. 4.Finally, there is check-clearing float. This is the time it takes to clear each check deposited. Invoicing float may be reduced only by changing the payment terms. The other three types of float are controllable. A.2 discusses the various means to accelerate the collection of funds. Exhibit A.1 illustrates the various types of collection float.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Nature and scope of accounting Essay

As an introduction to the course in accounting, it may be useful to define the following terms : – Accounts : These are the financial records in the organization. Every business transaction, or accounting entity, may be represented in an account by itself, e.g. wages, telephone expense, motor vehicle, Cash at bank, Investment – Book-keeping : This is the recording of the financial transactions of a business in a systematic manner, so that relevant financial data may be extracted when needed. – Accounting : This is a more comprehensive step than book-keeping. It involves the classifying, recording, compiling, reporting and interpreting the financial activities in the organization. This allows the users of the information to make informed judgement, planning and decision regarding the organization. – Accountancy : This is the procedure or the system that must be followed when recording, reporting, and interpreting the financial activities of the organization. It involves the set of principles or rules that must be observed in order to achieve an objective view of the accounting results. Accounting in the fullest sense, is therefore the interactive and integrated process of reviewing, forecasting, planning, recording, classifying, reporting , and interpreting the financial activities in the organization. This allows the custodians to make informed judgments and decisions pertaining to the performance and financial position of the organization. It also facilitate those who may have a vested interest in the business to assess their relationship and expectations from the operations. To this end accounting information should be – Relevant : to the users so as to influence their ability to make informed decision – Reliable : free from material error and bias, giving a truthful representation of the firm – Comparable: presented in a consistent manner so at to allow for reasonable comparisons – Understandable : uncomplicated, structured, and clearly presented. – Timely : provided when needed, or on time as required by law – Unqualified : not subjected to unnecessary modifications or restrictions USES OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION The accounting system in the organization generates a wealth of financial data that may be utilized by several interest groups. These include : – Management : Those who are entrusted with the day to day operations of the business must not only make informed decisions, but also set operating standards and then review the results. In order to do this, they must use the accounting system as their base. – Owners : The accounting system enables those who have an invested interest in the business to make an overview of the performance, as well to determine the results of their investment. – Investors : Others who have contributed to the business, either by way of financial assistance, supply of goods, or any other form of involvement, need to analyse the levels of profitability and risk involved in the business – Government : Assessment of the business operations by the government may be done for tax purposes, or to determine national income, or other statistical calculation. – Trade Union : Collective bargaining on the behalf of employees by the trade union can only be done beneficially if the union has a clear understanding of the financial position of the firm. DIVISIONS OF ACCOUNTING In order to satisfy the users of the accounting information, the accounting process may be sub-divided into broad categories : – Cost and Management Accounting : This aspect of accounting is concerned with the supply of information to the internal users, i,e, to the managers and the decision makers. It includes such activities as product costing, budgeting, systems operations, and accounting methods. This allow the users to formulate plans, set policies, make decisions, and control the operations in the organization. – Financial Accounting : This is the maintenance of the accounting records in a methodical manner and the preparation of summarized statements regarding the results of the business. This is of use primarily to parties external to the business, and gives an indication of the level of profitability and financial position of the business. – Special Reports : Some business operations may be financed or regulated by a parent organization. These operations must prepare and submit progressive reports to the regulatory body, indicating any factor that may have impacted on the results of its operations. These regulatory bodies included development banks, cooperative societies, venture capital assistance organizations, industry related organizations, and government agencies – Annual Return : Most firms must submit various types of tax or other statutory returns. These include NIS, NHT, HEART Fund, Income tax, Sales Tax ( GCT), Property Tax. Compliance to these is mandatory, although it is usually a complex procedure. Some organizations may engage the services of an attorney who specializes in business law or taxation. USES OF ACCOUNTING DATA Management Cost & Management Accounting Regulatory Bodies Statutory Agencies The Special Reports Accounting Annual Returns Process Financial Accounting (Certified By Public Accounting Auditor) Govt Trade Union Shareholders Investors Creditors General Public There are several areas of difference between financial and management accounting. Among these are: AREASFINANCIALMANAGEMENT Main UsersExternal parties, e.g. investors Creditors, trade union, gov’tInternal parties, e.g. managers, owners Time OrientationReview of the pastForecast of the future AccessAvailable to any partyAvailable to insiders only Restrictions Presentation FormatsStandard financial StatementsWhatever format most suitable View of the Organization Condensed view of the organization as a Detailed view of segments or activities whole RegulatoryRegulated by ruling of bodiesNo significant regulatory Restrictionssuch as IFRS, ICAJ, as well asRestrictions the Companies Act PurposeInformation disclosureDecision making and control CONCEPTS OF ACCOUNTING Certain fundamental concepts provide a rule or framework for the recording and reporting of business transactions. These may also be termed as principles, assumptions, or standards. Among them are : The Accounting or Business Entity Concept: Each business enterprise should be regarded as a separate and distinct unit from the other economic or personal affairs of the owners. Thus the information compiled by the business unit should only relate to the activities of that enterprise. The Historical Cost Concept: Resources should be maintained in their accounts at their original cost, not at the periodically revised or market value. Adjustments to the cost, e.g. depreciation, should therefore be shown in a separate account. The accumulative effect of these accounts may be determined when the balance sheet is being prepared. The Going Concern Concept: It is assumed that the business unit will continue for a lasting period during which time it will be able to fulfil its objectives. Thus, interim liquidated values are not shown when preparing the balance sheet. This assumption would not apply if the firm’s continued existence can not be established by fact, e.g. If faced with a legal injunction, anticipating liquidation, on the expiration of a contract, or in the event of a buyout or takeover. The Money Measurement Concept: Accounting transactions and the summary of their results can only be measured in monetary units. Thus, those activities or situations that are not measurable in a monetary sense would not be reflected in the accounts. These include the firm’s industrial relations, management styles, or industry position. The net value of these situations, however, may be classified as goodwill when the firm is being re- valued, or being sold as a going concern. The Accrual Concept: Revenue and expenses must be accounted for during the period when they occurred, and not necessarily when they were honoured. Thus, income is calculated from revenue and expenses incurred, not from those actually paid for. The Dual Aspects Concept: There are two aspects to every accounting transaction, one shows the gains realised and the other represents the claims that may be made against these gains. From this concept comes the double entry principle, i.e. for every debit (Dr) entry there must be a corresponding credit (Cr) entry. The Realisation Concept : Income is regarded as being earned at the point when the legal property, or the claim, in goods has passed from the seller to the buyer. This may be different from the point when the order was received, the delivery was made, or payment completed. This, however, is determined by the terms of contract. The Materiality Concept: On-going accounts are only maintained for those items or activities that by themselves will make a significant impact on the business. These are called assets or liabilities. Immaterial or complementary items or activities are written off as expense or revenue at the end of each accounting period. The Prudence Concept: Accounting systems should allow for the reporting of the minimum value of income. Thus, total expenses include non-cash items such as depreciation, bad debts, and other provisions. The Substance Over Form Concept: The benefits from, or material substance of a resource should take precedence over the legal form of ownership. Thus, the firm may be in possession of an asset that is being used in the business but which has not yet being paid for. For example, an equipment may have been bought on hire purchase or acquired by way of a lease, and as such the asset does not legally belong to the firm until it is paid for. However, the material substance of the equipment must be shown in the books, and this takes precedence over the legal form in it. The Time Interval or Periodicity Concept: The firm should prepare a set of final accounts in order to take a reading of its performance and financial standing from time to time. This is required although the business is regarded as a going concern. This periodic reading of the business allows management to exercise informed assessment and control over the affairs of the business. The Full-Disclosure Concept: Although the financial statements are concerned with the last accounting period, it should also take into consideration any future events that may have an impact on the firm’s financial position. Thus a disclosure should be made for eventualities such as a pending lawsuit, on-going negotiations for sales, disposal, acquisition or take-over, or changes in the accounting methods being used. These disclosures are usually listed as explanatory footnotes. The Objectivity Concept: The accounting transactions recorded in the firm’s books should be supported by objective evidence or by a basis of origin in fact. This includes such documentation as sales invoices, payment vouchers, cash receipts etc. Thus there should be a basis by which the transactions can be verified. This is usually required whenever an audit is being done. The Consistency Concept: The methods that are used in the recoding and reporting of accounting transactions should be unchanged over the course of the business, unless it is governed by some new rule or mode of operations. Changes result in a distortion of profit, thus objective comparison or analysis would not be allowed.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Philosophy of Knowledge Essay

David Hume’s â€Å"The Origin of Our Ideas and Skepticism about Causal Reasoning† states his beliefs about knowledge and his idea that we can only have relative certainty of truth. Skeptics concur that there is not enough evidence to predict the future or prove truth. In â€Å"An Argument Against Skepticism,† John Hospers argues that we can have absolute certainty because there is enough evidence from the past and from our own experiences to prove an argument to be true. Although both Hume and Hospers make strong arguments, Hospers’ philosophical beliefs on different levels of knowledge and evidence are more convincing than Hume’s concepts on knowledge and truth. Hume’s argument is based on the idea that we can only be certain of analytical truths, such as mathematics; synthetic truths, or â€Å"matters of fact† are only and can only be probable, not truth. He believes that induction cannot be rationally justified because the premises support but do not guarantee the conclusion to the argument. Hume states that through experience, people assume that the future will represent the past, and that similar things will be coupled with similar qualities. Skeptics, like Hume, believe it is not an absolute truth that the sun will rise every day; it is merely supposed that history will repeat itself. If there is any suspicion that nature will change, experience becomes useless in predicting the future. Hume questions why we should accept the uniformity of nature, and anyone who argues this point is said to be â€Å"begging the question.† He comes to the conclusion that there is no real evidence to prove that inductive arguments are true or false, and accepting them is just routine but can’t be justified. Hospers believes that because there are different amounts of evidence needed to find certain truths, there are different levels of knowledge. In daily life, we use the weak sense of know, and therefore we do not need absolute proof. Why should people be so skeptical of propositions that are not relevant to everyday life? Hospers also poses an argument to Hume’s idea that synthetic truths are probable and can never be actual truths. Hospers believes that an argument that has a probable conclusion can become a certainty, or truth, if evidence permits it. He argues that these â€Å"matters of fact† are probable until time and evidence make them certainties. Because we use the â€Å"weak sense of know† in our everyday lives, why wouldn’t we accept the uniformity of nature, and the idea that the past outlines the future? The sun will rise everyday in my lifetime, because it always has, and there’s no logical reason that it would cease to do so. If, as far as we know, nature’s past has always shown a vision of nature’s future, there is no reason to be skeptical about it. Hume’s point that induction cannot be justified makes sense but is arguable. If the premises support but do not guarantee the conclusion to the argument, it can still be easily justified with little evidence. Hospers’ view on the amount of evidence needed to prove that something will happen in the future, is much more reasonable and realistic in everyday life.

Democracy and Reform Movements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Democracy and Reform Movements - Essay Example Most of the reform movements were geared to movement towards a democratic society which provided equal rights for all the people. One of the greatest movements was the women’s reform movement which demanded for more women participation in the state affairs like voting rights. Elizabeth Candy Stanton organized and participated in the Seneca Falls convention where major statements on the promotion of women rights were made but women seemed not interested in the movements. Other reform movements which took place include the new correctional prison system which called for better treatment of prisoners but did not emphasize on their democratic rights. Temperance movements which enforced spread of equal opportunities to all attempted to help women and children whose lives had been worsened by the drinking fathers and husbands. The blacks were considered as second class citizens who were not even allowed the right of citizenship in the American society. The period was marked by massi ve settlement of Native Americans in Mississippi River and the concentration of wealth in few of the American upper social class. The reform movements of that period only focused on ending the economic inequality among classes in the Native American citizens and did not advocate for the rights of the black people. Some states abolished the property and tax qualifications for voting which saw a record high of 355,000 votes cast in 1824 where the number kept on increasing to reach 1.1 million after four years due to the end of the property qualifications. The method of voting was initially orally where the voter would state his choice but the years of 1820s saw dramatic shift since few voters would hardly vote against a candidate when his supporters had crowded the voting place. There was introduction of ballot papers which gave the voter more autonomy in choosing his preferred elective candidate though the ballot papers were themselves prepared by the political parties due to lack of government bodies which could oversee the election process. Political offices became more democratic and elective rather than appointive hence leaders became more accountable to the public. By 1932, most of the states with exception of South Carolina shifted the selection of the members of the electoral college from their legislature directly to the voter hence there was introduction of more voting democracy. Democracy and reform movements Introduction The ideals of equality, liberty and pursuit of happiness characterized the desires of American population up to the period 1850. The desire was to make America civilized in order to expand democratic ideals by expanding the moral standards of the common citizens. Movements like the women and slave movements focused on the liberty (Murrin, 2012). Movements like temperance, abolitionist and natives to public schools and better living conditions were some movements which were pursed with democratic ideals (Greer, 1949). Women movement s trongly reinforced the importance of morality and equality through the struggle for social justice and the desire to see a more civilized American society which would be more productive (Boyer, 2008). The rise of democratic politics can be traced back to 1824 -1832 when the republicans on suspicion of the government policies on spread of cotton to the south

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

ASSESSMENT ITEM 1, GEO 105 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

ASSESSMENT ITEM 1, GEO 105 - Essay Example The Great Dividing Range stretching almost the whole length of the eastern continent separates the Outback from a narrow fertile strip on the east coast, where most of the country’s population is clustered; as also in the south-east region of the continent. Vast desert areas lie in Western Australia and in parts of central Australia. The country has a wide range of physical environments: landforms, geology, soils, climate, temperatures, atmosphere, water resources, rivers, coastlines, and rainfall. The native flora and fauna form the biological environment. In this assignment, for the comparative study of the physical and biological environmental features of two different places in Australia: one urban and one rural, the city of Perth and the Riverina area respectively have been selected. Perth is the only large city of over a million people, in the entire West Coast. It is the capital of Western Australia, which covers one-third of the continent. Most of the state’s land area is preserved in its pristine and natural form; as it is home to less than 10% of the continent’s population. Western Australia is one of the best eco-tourism destinations in the world: with various oceanic features like tropical islands, coral reef systems and dolphins in the sea waters, alongside towering forests and carpets of wild flowers (Ashworth, et al, 2004: p.89). Riverina Region: This agricultural and rural area lies in the southern part of New South Wales, to the north of Victoria. According to Swaffar, et al(2002: p.193), the Murray River which forms the border between New South Wales and Victoria, is one of the nation’s longest rivers, stretching nearly 1000 km from the Snowy Mountains to Wentworth where it merges with the Darling River (the longest river in Australia), near the border with South Australia. In recent years, these mighty rivers have

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Chinese media boundaries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Chinese media boundaries - Essay Example In light of the above findings, it is evident that there trends necessitating disconnection when it come to this vital field. The media undoubtedly plays an important role in the lives of people. People relies on this institution for news and other information. As a result, it is vital to ensure that whatever is reported is free from manipulation or bias. It is for this reason that a research is conducted to identify the issues that influence reporting. This paper proposes the following as the research questions for the research: Does variance in political and governmental structures influence how media report government-related cases? Can the media be entirely free from manipulation? Should patriotism be a defining factor when reporting or should the truth be reported irrespective of the impact? Does the West’s level of civilization in comparison to China’s contribute to the way reporting is done? As noted above, reporting normally varies with different media houses le t alone nations meaning it can never be uniform. That is to say, there is a probability of America’s NBC to report the same news with CNN but from a very different context. According to Groseclose (2011), Ruschmann (2006), Davenport (2010) and Sloan & Mackay (2007) this discrepancy is fuelled by a number of issues including the motive of reporting, the interpretation and the validity of the source. In this case involving the Chinese, the problem is important because the cities in which the protests are taking place are vital to business world.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Race and Your Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Race and Your Community - Essay Example The period of the Great Depression also saw a huge influx of immigrants from different parts of Europe. Italian nationals were seeking refuge from political persecution and poverty and reached the shores of New England with high hopes. But the conditions prevailing at that time was hostile to its new citizens. The domination by the White Anglo Saxon Protestants (WASP) at that time was uncontested and overwhelming. Though the Italian American community was technically "white" as well, their status was equal to that of black Americans. The trend persisted the following years, culminating during the Second World War, where Italy was at war with America. The civil rights of many Italian Americans were stripped and many innocent citizens were suspected of espionage and subversion. But my grandfather lived to see a positive transformation of this situation after the Second World War. The post War period saw renewed respect for all ethnic minorities given the fact that a significant percent age of armed forces came from the underclass and minorities. (Alba, 1985) As for our own leaders - their take on the situation was a little ambivalent. While blatant societal injustice caused rightful indignation, a corner of their hearts still felt indebted to this "land of the free" for gracefully embracing and welcoming these new citizens from afar. Such feeling for their adopted land is understandable, as my grandfather recollected the stories of persecution and oppression in his native land. (Alba, 1985) Another influential person in our family was our grandmother. Looking back, she was the last link to our ancestral native land. Not only she could speak fluent Italian, but also render an Opera or two. She was also adept at making marinara and rolling gnocchi. I remember how when I was a toddler, she would sing lullabies in Italian to put me to sleep. Much of my knowledge of Christianity is credited to her passing

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Current State of Wheeler-Lea Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Current State of Wheeler-Lea Act - Essay Example Still there were some shortcomings, which were corrected by Wheeler Lea act. Congress passed The Wheeler-Lea Act in 1938, a United States federal law, which amended the Federal Trade Commission Act. It gave the FTC the additional responsibility of policing "deceptive acts or practices in commerce." In so doing, the FTC tries to protect the public against false or misleading advertising and the misrepresentation of products (Larabee, Robert). So the Federal Trade Commission Act, as modified by the Wheeler-Lea Act, gives new provisions: The Wheeler-Lea Act has not permitted the FTC to control the advertising of self-medication drugs. So there has not been as much improvement in patent medicine advertising as wished. Prescription drugs are policed by the FDA under the Kefauver-Harris Amendments of 1962. Additionally, advertising of restricted medical devices is regulated by the FDA under the Medical Device Amendments of 1976. Most recently, Congress passed a broad reform of the FD&C Act in the Food and Drug Modernization Act (FDAMA), which includes provisions to "regulate advertising of unapproved uses of approved drugs and devices, and regulate health claims for foods." There is requirement of prohibition of unfair methods of competition and advertising, in order to protect consumers as well as competition. Many Acts has been passed by U.S government. Wheeler lea Act was a big step in this direction. It regulated advertising, labeling strategies and identification, quality, and fill-of-container for foods and drugs. References Larabee, Robert. The Federal Trade Commission: A Guide to Sources (Research and Information Guides in Business, Industry, and Economic Institutions), Routledge; 1 edition, November 8, 2000. pp- 345 U. S. Food and Drug Administration, "Chronology of Drug Regulation in the United States". Last Updated May 10, 2007, Retrieved May 13, 2007. <

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Sonys Marketing Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sonys Marketing Strategies - Essay Example It has also developed a direct-marketing solution named eBridge[TM] to help marketers gain insights into the target audience and thus assess the effectiveness of campaigns. Sony has also developed a strong product portfolio and also concentrates on product diversification to increase its reach to the end-users and is also attempting to integrate its whole portfolio of devices in a networked home-entertainment system to make them more useful for the consumers. It is also trying to strengthen its existing strong brand image and trying to consolidate its market position by market development as well as mergers and acquisitions. Adding to this, Sony's creativity to make inventions, creativity in product planning and production as well as creativity in marketing has enabled it to gain an edge over its competitors. The market is dynamic and is characterised by unpredictable patterns in terms of customer perception, competitive strategies adding to this the political, economic, social and technological (PEST) elements of the market environment change continuous; hence

Friday, August 23, 2019

Visual rhetoric and web based communication Research Proposal

Visual rhetoric and web based communication - Research Proposal Example hnologies, we can evidence many forms of visual appearance related with web-based communication such as video conferencing, Avatars, emoticons and so on (Konijn, 2008). These visual appearances of communication play a crucial role in delivering the intended messages along with creating attractions for the users. Due to the massive usage of web based communicated; more work is done on visual appearances of communication. With the support of visual appearances of message deliverance, the message becomes more interesting and understandable as it is said that pictorial presentation of an object is much more comprehensible than words. Web- based communication is also employed for educational purposes. Jarvela and Hakkinen (2002) inform, â€Å"Today, communication technologies make possible various kinds of mediated communication, which increasingly has become part of instructional and educational communication† (1-2). For educational and instructional purposes, teachers are making use of different kinds of web-based communications, which include visual communication on web as well. Teachers think that web-based communication and visual rhetoric keep the capacity of enabling today’s children to understand the world in a global phenomenon. Students are able to obtain quality educatio n that is up to the mark. The teenagers are making usage of technological communication much more as compared to face-to-face communication. According to Pierce (2009), technological communication, which corresponds communication on internet is gaining maximum ground because of its interest creation, social bondage and ease with which, it is done. Nowadays, many visual communication strategies are employed to attract users towards internet and every day, we witness some innovation. There are different kinds of avatars, cartoon graphics, emoticons, moving pictures, video conferencing, web cam and much more technological development that are attention gaining for the teenagers and aged as

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Acts of Paul and Thecla Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Acts of Paul and Thecla - Research Proposal Example   Ã¢â‚¬Å"In the Acts of Thecla for example, Paul gives a speech in which he recasts the part of the bible that we call the beatitudes. Thats the "blessed are the so and so...." Pauls version of this is all about blessed are the bodies of virgins ... blessed are the chaste. Its all about sexual chastity. That those are the people who are blessed in this new recasting of the Christian message†. (Elizabeth Clark. "The Acts of Paul and Thecla" tell us of how a woman was instrumental in spreading the gospel. It clearly pictures her as being a very string minded and sincere. This depiction of an independent woman was not very apt during that time period when women were subdued and always in the background. Moreover her life after she meets Paul is seemed to be filled with miracles where she miraculously survives an attempt to burn her alive, or her confrontation with wild beasts where she survives unscathed. Further she escapes from some men through a crack in the rock made by God which was then closed behind her. As for Thecla we see her as a strong willed and faithful disciple of the Lord. Her celibacy and strong character shows up where she baptizes, preaches and heals and stands up to her faith amidst all hurdles. The path she had chosen is very unlike the women of her period. In a way these story was apparently used by women who wanted to preach the gospel and looked for a legitimate status as ministers of Gods word. This story certainly reads and sounds like a myth due to the various miracles in one person’s life which we do not see or hear in any other even the prophets.

Role of a footballer Essay Example for Free

Role of a footballer Essay In this essay I am going to explain why Peter Kay/John Smiths adverts are so successful? John smiths bitter was very successful without the adverts the adverts have made it more well known. The adverts started by a famous comedian Jack Dee the adverts went so well they had a cardboard cut out of Jack Dee and it was still a success. In 2002 the comedian Peter Kay took the place of Jack Dee and it became funnier than ever. The adverts start with a serious scenario then half way through Peter Kay would add some humour and the advert would become really funny. The adverts have made John Smiths bitter become very popular in the U.K owning 15% of the market. Them first advert is the swimming advert it starts off as a normal diving event. Two professionals divers dive then John Smiths steps up he runs and bombs he wins the event. The advert is funny because it is suppose to be like an Olympic event and the best dive wins but Peter Kay steps up on the diving board with his Bermuda shorts and unfit compared to the other divers compared to the slim divers. He bombs and soaks the judges with the water. The judges give him the best mark its aimed at the working class man. It appeals to all the ages. The second advert is in an Indian restaurant it starts off as a normal meal Peter Kay is out with his wife and a couple of friends his mobile phone goes off and Peter Kay answers it. Its his daughter Britney having a nightmare about the wardrobe monsters Peter Kay says Its the burglars that break in through the windows that you should be worried about His friends look amazed and he does not realise what he has done wrong this is what makes the advert funny because its original and not normal to say something like that. The third advert is the football one. In this advert is a team at football training they show of their skills by keeping the ball up and then they pass it to john smith he then volleys it and says ave it then the ball goes into someones back garden. The saying ave it has become very popular around the U.K this shows the impact the adverts have on people and makes them remember the advert. The fourth and final advert is the snooker one. It starts off as an average house Peter Kay walks in stops his mum from hoovering up and tells her come on mum its time to go she looks at him and says go where he then says the old peoples home they will look after you now its for the best she says are you mad I am fifty five Peter Kay says I know but I have had a word with them they will take you she says why should I go live in an old peoples home Peter Kay says because I want to put a snooker table in your bedroom and the kids are afraid of your tash This advert makes you laugh because the facial expressions of his mum and the way he says it you feel safe to laugh because she is only fifty five and its just not what someone would say to there mum this is what makes it funny. The tag line of each advert is the same. In the background there is always something happening the first advert at the end the john smiths pint is on the diving board and everything is unfocused apart from the pint this gets your attention to it. The second advert you see the john smiths pint again at the end on top of the wardrobe. The third advert you see the picture of Peter Kays mum then it gets changed with a famous snooker player Dennis Taylor. The final advert you see half time oranges and a pint next to it Peter Kay runs up pushes the oranges to the side and chooses the john smith pint. The ending of every advert is unique to the advert and there will always be the John Smiths pint on every ending. The tag line is always the same on every advert No Nonsense saying he is serious about it and cant see what is wrong. Peter Kay represents an average working class man the rule of three works well in the John Smiths adverts because it twists the advert. For example the diving one there is three divers. Two of which are really good and have athletic body then there is Peter Kay overweight and not very good. The twist is that the unfit one john smith wins the event. They show a replay of John Smiths bomb and show different angles of the bomb this makes the advert more funny because you see it from different views and makes humour last longer. Peter Kay plays a role in each advert in the first advert he plays the role of an unfit athlete in a competition. In the second advert he is playing the role of a working class man having an Indian with some friends. In the third advert Peter Kay plays the role of a footballer at training with the team. The final advert Peter Kay plays the role of Man looking after his mum. In conclusion I think the Peter Kay/John Smiths adverts where so successful because they use a lot of humour, which makes the adverts funny for anyone who is watching them. I think the adverts have had an impact on sales of John Smiths bitter before the adverts John Smiths bitter was still a success but with the adverts I think sales have increased. The adverts are funny to watch and easily remembered and this makes John Smiths more successful. All of the adverts start out as a normal scenario then Peter Kay will twist it and make you laugh this is a good technique because you are unaware of what is going to happen. I think they picked the best comedian for the adverts because he has funny accent and is already well known from Phoenix nights and various stand ups he has done.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Merger of JP Morgan Chase Co

Merger of JP Morgan Chase Co Executive Summary This paper on the Banking industry consist the merger of JP Morgan Chase Co. It argues that the experience of Banking industry in the US is unique and also the impact of the merger in JP Morgan Chase Co. It is not paradigmatic also tells that all banks are not driven efficiently. The paper talks about the merger of JP Morgan Chase Co. using The Porters The Fishbone Model. Table of Contents Executive Summary 1 Table of Contents 2 1. INTRODUCTION 3 1.1 Overview of Banking Industry in US 3 1.2 Overview of JP Morgan and Chase 3 2. STUDY OF MERGER BETWEEN JP MORGAN CHASE (2000) 4 2.1 Purpose of the study 5 2.2 Significance of this study 5 2.3 Limitations 5 3.RESEARCH MODEL 6 3.1. The Fish Bone Model 6 3.2 Elements of the Model 7 3.3. Previous Research Findings 8 3.4. Critics for the Previous Research 8 4.PREVIOUS RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 9 5.CONCLUSION 10 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview of Banking Industry in US This paper on the Banking industry consist the mergers of banks with a special emphasis on the US banks. It argues that the experience of Banking industry in the US is unique and it is not paradigmatic also tells that all banks are not driven efficiently. Mergers in banks arise because of macro structural circumstances and shifts to strategic motives in a period of time (Benston, Hunter, Wall, 1995). Over the few years, bank mergers and acquisitions have been occurring at a very high rate. During the recent decades the US banking system is experiencing an intense structural change which is happening at a very rapid place. When banks document deposits made by customers create credit evaluations and move funds they process information. The banks and the financial services industries entrants have been very much affected by the current information processing revolution. The banks are moderately transforming themselves from intermediaries that have loans, deposits and securities in their balance sheets into brokers who originate loans and then allocate them to others who obtain securitized assets. This change has occurred due to rapid increase of the technical advancements in processing information. 1.2 Overview of JP Morgan and Chase JPMorgan Chase Co. is one of the worlds largest, oldest, and best-known financial institutions. Since their founding in New York in the year 1799, they have succeeded and grown by listening to their customers and also by meeting their needs. Being a global financial services firm and with operations in more than 50 countries, JPMorgan Chase Co. combines two of the worlds best and premier financial brands: J.P Morgan and Chase. JPMorgan Chase Co. is a leader in financial services for consumers; investment banking; financial transaction processing; small business and commercial banking; private equity and asset management. JPMorgan Chase Co. serves millions of consumers in the United States and also the worlds most prominent corporate, institutional and government clients. JPMorgan Chase Co. is built on the foundation of more than 1,000 predecessor institutions that has come together over the years to form todays company. Their many well-known heritage banks include J.P Morgan Co., The Chase Manhattan Bank, The First National Bank of Chicago, Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co., Bank One, Chemical Bank and National Bank of Detroit, each closely tied in its time for innovations in finance and for the growth of the United States and global economies. (The History of JP Morgan Chase Co., 2008) 2. STUDY OF MERGER BETWEEN JP MORGAN CHASE (2000) On examining, there are four main paths are identified which explains explains the reasons behind the mergers activity. These paths are related to (1) creating economies of scales, (2) expanding in geographically means, (3) increasing the combined capital base (size) and product offerings, and (4) gaining the market power. In examining these paths, it appears that, at a much higher level in Porters fishbone framework, the mergers are driven by cost reductions than increasing the gross revenue. Global consolidation and Downsizing allowing banks in increasing its size and market capabilities while creating some technological efficiencies largely responsible for the cost savings of mergers. The research results on the financial performance of the merged banks have resulted in conflicting conclusions. While some research has found that bank acquisitions are not improving the financial performance of the combined banks (Baradwaj, Dubofsky, Fraser, 1992). When Chase Manhattan announced its merger with J.P. Morgan in September 2000, the companys shares were selling at $52. (Palia, 1994). Today, they make around $30, and the press is filled with reports of the companys performance. Getting bigger has not helped Chase Manhattan to get better. Nor has it helped other companies. The Wall Street Journal recently reported that the share prices of the 50 biggest corporate acquirers of the 1990s have fallen three times as much as the Dow Jones Industrial Average. (Toyne Tripp, 1998). The size counts, especially in addressing the complex problems that span geographies and functions. But bigger doesnt make a company better at serving customers. Chase is the product of two megadeals that came earlier, its mergers with Chemical Manufacturers Hanover and. J.P. Morgan is the part of the venerable House of Morgan which was traditionally a commercial bank, but has aggressively entered the investment banking business. After flirting with other merger partners from Europe and elsewhere, it finally offered the famous name and blue-chip client roster to its fellow New Yorker for about $36 billion in stock. (Madura Wiant, 1994) 2.1 Purpose of the study The history before the acquisition is very important to consider the enormity of the product. In 1991, Chemical Banking Corp. merged with Manufacturers Hanover Corp., keeping the name Chemical Banking Corp., then the second largest banking institution in the United States. In 1995, First Chicago Corp. merged with NBD Bancorp Inc., forming First Chicago NBD Corp., the largest banking company based in the Midwest. In 1996, Chemical Banking Corp. merged with The Chase Manhattan Corp., keeping the name The Chase Manhattan Corp. and creating what then was the largest bank holding company in the United States. 2.2 Significance of this study In 2000, The Chase Manhattan Corp. merged with J.P.Morgan Co. Incorporated, in effect combining four of the largest and oldest money center banking institutions in New York City (Morgan, Chase, Chemical and Manufacturers Hanover) into one firm called JPMorgan Chase Co. In 2004, Bank One Corp. merged with JPMorgan Chase Co., keeping the name JPMorgan Chase Co. In 2008, JPMorgan Chase Co. acquired The Bear Stearns Companies Inc., strengthening its capabilities across a broad range of businesses, including prime brokerage, cash clearing and energy trading globally. 2.3 Limitations It becomes abundantly clear that there is no clear direction in terms of the mergers and acquisitions that JPMorgan Chase Co. performed in before and after the marriage of the giants happened. The merger was hailed and appreciated at the time when one of the largest mergers was in a vogue. The merger seemed to have happened through lots of pressure from competition more than anything else. Even after these so many years of being together, it is not very easy to tell if the individual entities are acting as one. (Wilson, 2003) The problem faced is really because of cohesiveness and integration. Although the merger went through the lack of a proper regulatory authority to oversee such mergers leads to situations such as the sub-prime crisis of 2007-2008. RESEARCH MODEL 3.1. The Fish Bone Model The coding scheme adopted for the content analysis that was conceptualized in the Porter strategic model (Porter, 1980) as operationalized in a fishbone analysis framework (Nolan, Norton Company, 1986). The coding of the content of application approximates the use of a standardized questionnaire. Hence, content analysis has the advantage of both ease and high reliability, but it may be more limited in terms of content validity to the extent that the applications reflect the underlying stated merger decision rationale. These four paths are related to creating economies of scales, expanding geographically, increasing the combined capital base (size) and product offerings, and gaining market power. This appears that decreasing costs than increasing gross revenue drives much of the merger activity at a higher. Many of the applications stated that the reduction of costs as a reason for the merger. In addition to it, many of the applications went further than a general statement of cost reduction explaining that the combined institution would create economies of scales which would result in a reduction in costs as justification for their merger/acquisition request. 3.2 Elements of the Model -Location -Product -Competitors -Market Trends However, since the merger/acquisitions within the banking industry should provide certain data (i.e. Community Reinvestment Act compliance or Herfindahl Indexes) to reinforce the merger/acquisition stated rationale, there is more validity in the stated rationale for mergers/acquisitions of this industry than in others using this approach (Cornett De, 1991). The use of the widely accepted Porter strategic model provides an appropriate framework for both inductive and deductive conclusions. 3.3. Previous Research Findings The model provides a tight linkage to the strategy literature for validity of the coding categories. More than that, the use of multiple coders and a referee insure a high degree of reliability in coding effort. For each application, two coders independently code each paragraph and the results are entered into a spreadsheet for data management purposes. The results of the two coders were then compared, and, if there was any disagreement, the referee discussed the differences with the other coders and made a final determination. For each application, a resultant tabulation was created and overlaid upon the fishbone for visual inspection. Hence, this model contains the total numerical count of the entire sample. 3.4. Critics for the Previous Research Previous literature finds an empirical evidence of links between mergers and financial performance, measured in terms of either profitability or operating efficiency (Berger, Demsetz, Strahan, 1999). The US experience cannot be a global paradigm because US banks has dominance in the global financial arena. Prior to the US bank merger wave, the banks that operated with long standing geographic restrictions, could not expand their branch networks when market opportunities arose outside their market areas. Hence, a sustained period of banking distress began in 1981. The thrift industry collapsed; many banks experienced distress in the early 1980s due to credit problems ranging from Latin American loans, loans in oil-rich domestic areas, loans for corporate mergers and commercial real estate. The failing or troubled institutions were often are taken over by expansion-oriented commercial banks; Nations bank grew through astute acquisitions during the period. Government-assisted mergers accounted for majority of the bank mergers in the United States between 1982 and 1989. This period of distress mergers led to a shift in regulatory philosophy. Until this period, regulators guided by the antitrust law and the Bank Holding Company Acts of 1956 and 1970 placed some restrictions on bank activities and expansion, using the criteria that firms with monopolistic power will exploit it. In this period, many regulatory economists adopted Chicago new learning approach, which shifted the attention from monopoly position to contestability. Regulatory test for market power was weakened, that permitted federal regulators to override product-line and geographic restrictions in approving distress mergers. The Federal Reserve used regulatory flexibility to force modernization in U.S. banking laws. Bank regulators increasingly operated on the premise that the industry is overbanked and financial innovations has made capital and credit universally available. One approach was the emergence of an upscale retail banking strategy. PREVIOUS RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The Banks using this approach identify a preferred customer base to which they can deliver both traditional banking services-short-term consumer loans, long-term mortgages, depository services-and nontraditional services such as mutual funds, insurance, and investment advice. The second and related approach was a shift away from maturity transformation and interest-based income, towards maturity matching, secondary market sales, and fee-based income. Much of the revenue from upscale households take the form of fees, encouraged by the growth of secondary loan markets and of banks involvement in the household portfolio management. The proportion of interest expenses within banks overall expenses is declined since 1982; noninterest income has been an increasing share of bank income since 1978 (DeYoung, 1994). Large banking firms have led to the second phase of the U.S. bank merger wave because they have most aggressively pursued upscale-retail and fee-based strategies. Since the banks are not more efficient or more profitable than the smaller banks they purchase, earnings increase have not financed these acquisitions, while Wall Street has. Wall Streets analysts have adopted the concept of banking industry excess capacity; and brokers and underwriters have earned the substantial fees from the equity issues that have provided the cash needed to sweeten offers for target banks equity shares (Serwer, 1995) (Chong, 1991). CONCLUSION Although there are many frameworks used for analysis of other industries, they often do not work within the banking industry because of the imposed regulatory constraints; the model reveals that the Porter Model will be suitable in this case for examining the rationale behind the merger/acquisition activity for the banking industry. There are four main paths, for the period examined that explains the reasons behind the mergers/acquisitions activity. Utilizing the synergies between the two partners is a common phrase found throughout the applications. The usual scenario is that the smaller partners will combine with the larger partners in order to develop the economies of scale and also to reduce their combined costs. The remaining three paths are related to increasing gross revenue but at a much lower level on the fishbone framework. Most of the applications justified the merger either directly or indirectly by referencing the combined banks ability to expand geographically into various markets that the individual banks had not previously had a market presence. As a result, through the geographical expansion, the bank would be able to decrease the total risk as well as increase the sales of the products and, thus, increase overall gross revenue. Many of the merger/acquisition either directly or indirectly justified their mergers through the fact that the combined asset base (size) would be larger and, thus, allowing the banks to make loans to companies that the individual banks could not have previously serviced due to capital base lending regulatory restrictions. In essence, the larger capital base allowed the merged institutions to offer a new product (jumbo loans) to an existing customer or to gain new customer through the new product offering. In addition, on the same path many of the applications justified the merger through the ability to offer a greater array of products. The smaller partner (usually) would be able to offer products already carried by the larger partner and that previously due to the smaller partners size they had not able to offer. In both cases, the merger would allow the combined institution to offer a greater product array increasing their sales and, thereby, increasing gross revenue. The last path deals with the, often, indirect merger justifications of increasing market power. Through the merger, the merged banks would be better able to compete with banks within their market, increasing their product sales, and, thus, their gross revenue.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The History Of Peer Tutoring :: Essays Papers

The History Of Peer Tutoring From the writer: I wrote this paper for Bobbi Kirby-Werner's Peer Consulting Practicum. The history and psychology of peer tutoring interested me because all the way through the class, I had wondered "Where did this method of learning/instruction emerge from?" The answer was of course, England. I also liked the idea that you didn't have to be a "professional" to be a peer consultant: that, in fact, the point was that you WEREN'T a professional, and because of this, it was in some instances much easier for students to relate to peer consultants. Which in turn helped them with writing. From the teacher: Brendan's text fulfilled part of the WRT 331 requirement to prepare a paper as well as a 15-minute presentation about some aspect of his experience as a peer writing consultant. In his proposal for this project, Brendan noted that his status as a peer in many cases enabled him to relate better to his clients and to have more productive sessions than he might have otherwise. This experience prompted his investigation of the history of peer consulting. The insights Brendan shared in his paper and presentation were valuable additions to the class. From the editors: The author takes you on a historical road trip into the evolution of peer tutoring. What its roots are and how far the peer tutoring system has developed in the past three hundred years are explained while the writer gives insight into a little known facet of the S.U. Writing Program: the peer consultants. History The textbook definition of peer tutoring is "a system of instruction in which learners help each other and learn (themselves) by teaching," (Goodlad and Hirst 13). Key to this definition is the word peer, meaning someone with the same or a nearly equal status as the person being tutored, who, as such, is not a professional instructor. Peer tutoring has played an important part in education and has probably existed in some incarnation since the beginning of civilization. But the first recorded use of an organized, systematic peer tutorial learning project in the Western World didn't come about until the late 1700's. Arising from school budget woes in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, peer tutoring became an effective way of giving underprivileged (at this time, sadly, only male) children a reasonable shot at an education. The first systematic approach to peer tutoring is credited to Andrew Bell, who was the superintendent of the Military Male Asylum at Egmore, in England (Goodlad et.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

â€Å"The years that are gone seem like dreams—if one might go on sleeping and dreaming—but to wake up and find—oh! well! Perhaps it is better to wake up after all, even to suffer, rather than to remain a dupe to illusions all one’s life† says Edna at her appointment with Doctor Mandelet (151). In Kate Chopin’s The Awakening, Edna is constantly at odds with her own fears – her independence; however, over the course of the novel, Chopin reveals a deeper side to Edna. She does not fear being alone, she is afraid of being without herself. It is also revealed that her society is often against her self-discovering favoring a more traditional female role. In its final scene, The Awakening offers readers a more complex method to obtain freedom, death. Edna’s suicide reveals her final awakening, breaking free from all the pressures that bind her. Edna’s awakenings in Grand Isle and in New Orleans set her up for failure by forcing her to understand her lack of options. Edna’s first awakening is when she realizes that she is not happy with her life as a housewife. This awakening is realized while Edna is at a dinner party with Md. Ratignolle and her husband. When she arrived home, she â€Å"felt depressed rather than soothed† (75). She then goes on and â€Å"st[omps] upon her wedding ring† (76). This symbolizes Edna’s desire to escape from marriage altogether, but her inability to crush the ring shows her powerlessness to break free from her imprisonment. Edna breaks through the role given to her by society; she learns her own identity independent of her husband and children. Edna later realizes that she cannot be the same as Mademoiselle Reisz. Edna does not possess the carefree attitude of Reisz and stills struggles with social appro... ... and escape. With her death she is surrendering herself to freedom. Her death by sea is a symbol of her allowing herself to overcome her ambiguity about her personhood. In conclusion, The Awakening ended in the only way it could have, with Edna’s death. Edna’s lack of options and her fear of solitude lead to her death. However, Chopin turned her death into something much more meaningful than just a way to end the novel. Edna’s final awakening is realizing that she cannot do the things that wanted to do. With this she chooses death before overcoming her problems. Kate Chopin juxtaposes this fear of living alone with her fear of dying in a way that makes Edna seem triumphant. She revealed her suicide not as a defeat but as a triumph over social pressure and fears. Chopin used Edna’s death symbolizes her final awakening and her ability to overcome her obstacles.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay Contrasing Gertrude and Ophelia of Shakespeares Hamlet

Contrast of Gertrude and Ophelia in Hamlet  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   Queen Gertrude and Ophelia, the main female characters in Shakespeare’s dramatic tragedy Hamlet, have a variety of contrasting or dissimilar personal qualities and experiences. This essay, with the help of literary critics, will explore these differences.    John Dover Wilson in his book, What Happens in Hamlet, discusses what is perhaps the greatest dissimilarity between Ophelia and Gertrude – their morality:    His [Hamlet’s] mother is a criminal, has been guilty of a sin which blots out the stars for him, makes life a bestial thing, and even infects his very blood. She has committed incest. Modern readers, living in an age when marriage laws are the subject of free discussion and with a deceased wife’s sister act upon the statute-book, can hardly be expected to enter fully into Hamlet’s feelings on this matter. Yet no one who reads the first soliloquy in the Second Quarto text, with its illuminating dramatic punctuation, can doubt for one moment that Shakespeare wished here to make full dramatic capital out of Gertrude’s infringement of ecclesiastical law, and expected his audience to look upon it with as much abhorrence as the Athenians felt for what we should consider the more venial, because unwitting, crime of the Oedipus of Sophocles (39).    Quite opposite the criminality of the king’s wife is the innocence of Ophelia, who might be called a â€Å"broken lily† (O’Donnell 241). In the Introduction to Twentieth Century Interpretations of Hamlet, David Bevington enlightens the reader regarding this dissimilarity between the two ladies:    Characters also serve as foils to one another as well as to Hamlet. Gertrude wishfully sees in Ophelia the b... ...ffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968.    Boklund, Gunnar. â€Å"Hamlet.† Essays on Shakespeare. Ed. Gerald Chapman. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1965.    Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Lectures and Notes on Shakspere and Other English Poets. London : George Bell and Sons, 1904. p. 342-368.    O’Donnell, Jessie F. â€Å"Ophelia.† The American Shakespeare Magazine, 3 (March 1897), 70-76. Rpt. in Women Reading Shakespeare 1660-1900. Ed. Ann Thompson and Sasha Roberts. New York: Manchester University Press, 1997.    Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995. No line nos.    Wilson, John Dover. What Happens in Hamlet. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999.      

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Namesake Quotes

â€Å"On a sticky August evening two weeks before her due date, Ashima Ganguli stands in the of a Central Square apartment, combining Rice Krispies and Planters peanuts and chopped red onion in a bowl. She adds salt, lemon juice, thin slices of green chili pepper, whishing there were mustard oil to add to the mix. † p. 1 ? â€Å"Like a kiss or a caress in a Hindi movie, a husband’s name is something intimate and therefore unspoken, cleverly patched over. † p. 2 ? â€Å"Do yourself a favor. Before it’s too late, without thinking too much about it first, pack a pillow and a blanket and see as much of the world as you can. You will not regret it.One day it will be too late. † p. 16 ? â€Å"He was still clutching a page of â€Å"The Overcoat,† crumpled tightly in his fist, and when he raised his hand the wad of papers dropped from his fingers. † p. 18 ? â€Å"Ashima means â€Å"she who is limitless, without borders. † Ashoke, the n ame of   an emperor, means â€Å"he who transcends grief. † p. 26 ? â€Å"On more than one occasion he has come home from the university to find her morose, in bed, rereading her parents’ letters. Early mornings, when he senses that she is quietly crying, he puts an arm around her, but can think of   nothing to say, feeling that it is his fault, for marrying her, for bringing her here. p. 33 ? â€Å"For thirty-three years, she missed her life in India. Now she will miss her job at the library, the women with whom she’s worked. She will miss throwing parties†¦ She will miss the country in which she had grown to know and love her husband. Though his ashes have been scattered in the Ganges, it is here, in this house and in this town, that he will continue to dwell in her mind. † p. 279 ? â€Å"When Ashima and Ashoke see their son’s pet named typed on the label of a prescription for antibiotics, when they see it at the top of his immunizatio n record, it doesn’t look right; pet names aren’t meant to be made public in this way. p. 36 ? â€Å"The wives, homesick and bewildered, turn to Ashima for recipes and advice, and she tells them about the carp that's sold in Chinatown, that it's possible to make halwa from Cream of Wheat†¦ They drink tea with sugar and evaporated milk and eat shrimp cutlets fried in saucepans. † p. 38 ? â€Å"Only then, forced at six months to confront his destiny, does he begin to cry. † p. 40 ? â€Å"Mrs. Jones leads a life that Ashoke’s mother would consider humiliating: eating alone, driving herself to work in snow and sleet, seeing her children and grandchildren, at most, three or four times a year. † p. 48 ? For being a foreigner, Ashima is beginning to realize, is a sort of a lifelong pregnancy—a perpetual wait, a constant burden, a continuous feeling out of   sorts. † p. 49 ? â€Å"Each day Ashoke is pained by the half-eaten sand wiches people toss in the garbage cans on campus, apples abandoned after one or two bites. â€Å"Finish it, Gogol. At your age, I ate tin. † p. 55 ? â€Å"The name, Nikhil, is artfully connected to the old one. Not only is it a perfectly respectable Bengali good name, meaning â€Å"he who is entire, encompassing all,† but it also bears a satisfying resemblance to Nikolai, the first name of the Russian Gogol. p. 56 ? â€Å"He is afraid to be Nikhil, someone he does not know. Who doesn’t know him. † p. 57 ? â€Å"For their daughter, good name and pet name are one and the same: Sonali, meaning â€Å"she who is golden. † p. 62 ? â€Å"It doesn’t bother him that his name is never an option on key chains or metal pins or refrigerator magnets†¦ Though substitute teachers at school always pause, looking apologetic when they arrive at his name on the roster, forcing Gogol to call out, before even being summoned, â€Å"That’s me,† teachers in the school system know not to give it a second thought. p. 66-67 ? â€Å"Gogol is old enough to know that there is no Ganguli here. He is old enough to know that he himself will be burned, not buried, that his body will occupy no plot of earth, that no stone in this country will bear his name beyond life. † p. 69 ? â€Å"For by now, he’s come to hate questions pertaining to his name, hates having constantly to explain. He hates having to tell people that it doesn’t mean anything in â€Å"in Indian. † p. 76 ? â€Å"His parents expect him to be, if not an engineer, then a doctor, a lawyer, an economist at the very least. p. 105 ? â€Å"Her appreciation for these details flatters him; it occurs to him that he has never spoken of his experiences in India to any American friend. † p. 112 ? â€Å"†¦That they had an arranged marriage, that his mother cooks Indian food everyday, that she wears saris and a bindi. † p. 138 ? †Å"He cannot imagine his parent’s sitting at Lydia and Gerald’s table, enjoying Lydia’s cooking, appreciating Gerald’s wine selection. He cannot imagine them contributing to one of their dinner party conversations.And yet here he is, night after night, a welcome addition to the Ratliff’s universe, doing just that. † p. 141 ? â€Å"—That they will not be able to touch or kiss each other in front of his parents, that there will be no wine with lunch. † p. 145 ? â€Å".. the lunch is set out, too rich for the weather. Along with the samosas, there are breaded chicken cutlets, chickpeas with tamarind sauce, lamb biryani, chutney made with tomatoes from the garden. It is a meal he knows it has taken his mother over a day to prepare, and yet the amount of effort embarrasses him. p. 148 ? â€Å"He is overly aware that they are not used to passing things around the table, or to chewing food with their mouths completely closed. They ave rt their eyes when Maxine accidentally leans over to run her hand through her hair. † p. 149 ? â€Å"One hand, five homes. A lifetime in a fist. † p. 167 ? â€Å"Remember that you and I made this journey, that we went together to a place where there was nowhere left to go. † p. 187 ? â€Å"When she was only five years old, she was asked by her relatives if she planned to get married in a red sari or a white gown. p. 213 ? â€Å"Aren’t you going to arrange a wedding for her? † p. 213 ? â€Å"He thinks of his parents, strangers until this moment, two people who had not spoken until after they were actually wed. Suddenly sitting next to Moushumi, he realizes what it means, and he is astonished by his parents’ courage, the obedience that must have been involved in doing such a thing. † p. 222 ? â€Å"†¦Waking up every morning with a pillow pressed over her head. † p. 229 ? â€Å"He admires her, even resents her a little, for having moved to another country and made a separate life.He realizes that this is what their parents had done in America. What he, in all likelihood, will never do. † p. 233 ? â€Å"It’s the one thing about her parents’ lives she truly admires—their ability, for better or for worse, to turn their backs on their homes. † p. 254 ? â€Å"Gogol has nothing to say to these people. He doesn’t care about their dissertation topics, or their dietary restrictions, or the color of their walls. † p. 237 ? â€Å"There’s no such thing as a perfect name. I think human beings should be allowed to name themselves when they turn eighteen,† he adds. â€Å"Until then, pronouns. † p. 245 ? This assurance is important to her; along with the Sanskrit vows she’d repeated at her wedding, she’d privately vowed that she’d never grow fully dependent on her husband, as her mother has. For even after thirty-two years abroad , in England and now in America, her mother does not know how to drive, does not have a job, does not know the difference between a checking and a savings account. † p. 247 ? â€Å"The mindlessness soothers her nerves. As a child, she always had a knack for organization; she would take it upon herself to neaten closets and drawers, not only her own, but her parents’ as well. p. 256 ? â€Å"You’re going to break hearts, you know. † p. 259 ? â€Å"She wonders if she is the only woman in her family ever to have betrayed her husband, to have been unfaithful. This is what upsets her most to admit: that the affair causes her to feel strangely at peace, the complication of it calming her, structuring her day. † p. 266 ? â€Å"Suddenly terrified, he ducks his head, feeling foolish afterword. None of the other pedestrians had reacted. † p. 272 ? â€Å"True to the meaning of her name, she will be without borders, without a home of her own, a resident everywhere and nowhere. † p. 276

Friday, August 16, 2019

Jones Case Study

Jones Case Study Scenario 1: Since it seems like the Jones’ are set on having a family and that family is important to them this scenario will focus more on what could be best for them to do to make sure their family life is stable. In this scenario it seems to me that Jim needs to find a job closer to home that maybe works him a little less. He has stated that he would like to spend more time with his son and that could be achieved by working closer to home. The commute itself would save him about 7 hours weekly that he could spend with his child.Jim has also mentioned that his job isn’t particularly exciting so this might be his chance to go after something he likes more while giving him more time at home. Since his wife makes more money it might not be bad if he took a little pay cut as well in order to accomplish his goals. As far as Lisa goes if having a family is truly a main priority for them she may not want to take the job in Atlanta. She already has a job that makes quite a bit and a move to Atlanta would only mean more work and probably would mean that they wouldn’t be able to have another child for a couple of years.Also moving to a bigger city will also mean that they will have to find new child care which may cost more, another home which will cost more and Jim will have to definitely find another job which could put a strain on the marriage if he is unsuccessful or if he is making considerably less that she is. I see the best outcome with this scenario if Jim can find a job closer to home in order to spend more time with his son and also find a change of pace with his job. Lisa would need to stick with her current position in order to make having a bigger family more attainable for the moment.Scenario 2: If Jim and Lisa put a priority on being financially secure and more so value Lisa’s career then these are some options they might consider. First off Lisa would definitely need to take the promotion and they would move to Atlanta. This would be great because they would definitely have enough money for their home as well as childcare. They would also have more financial security and would be better able to save for things like their kids education and retirement since Lisa is now making more money than both of them were combined.If Jim also found another job they would be very secure financially and potentially with the move it might open up more job options for Jim and he may find something that he enjoys more. Moving to a bigger city also opens up the options for better childcare and better education for their children in the future should their family grow. However as mentioned in the last scenario this may put a strain on the marriage if Jim is unsuccessful in finding another job. Also this new job for Lisa will probably mean more hours at work and less time with the family.It will probably also mean not having another child for quite sometime and maybe never depending on what her new roles ar e at her job. The family might definitely have to be put on the backburner for a little while as the transition occurs. Scenario 3: This scenario would be kind of an extreme mix of the two previous scenarios. Since Jim has stated that he wants to spend more time with their son he could possibly become a stay at home dad. Lisa could take the job in Atlanta, which would definitely make more than enough money to support a family of three especially since they could cut childcare costs.Some cons to this situation however would be that they would have to overcome the social stigma of having the wife work and the dad stay at home. That would be the biggest challenge in my opinion. Especially if Jim started to feel like his worth had been diminished. This could definitely put a strain on the marriage. Also Lisa would have to deal with turning over her motherly duties somewhat and spend less time with the family. She would also probably not be able to have kids anytime soon as well but if t hey decided to at least this way she wouldn’t have to take as much time off since Jim would be home tending to the new child.Jim could also start up some type of business he could run at home. This would allow him to feel like he is contributing to the family income but also spend time with the kids. Reflection: This assignment is a good preparation for big decisions that we all make in our lives. One thing that it shows is that there are many possible solutions to any problem and that we must look at the risks and rewards with each and decides which is best for our own unique family situation. These decisions would be much easier for a family with no children vs. family that already has 3 or 4 kids. If my wife and I were presented with the same situation I would think that we would follow scenario 1 the closest since family is most important to us. Neither of us are really looking to make a lot of money and for myself I wouldn’t mind being a stay at home dad. My wife may object but I love kids and spending time with them and if my wife was offered a job that paid a lot of money, enough to support a family, and it was something that she wanted to do and was passionate about I would like to think that I would support her in doing that.Every family is different though and needs to meet different needs so there is no wrong or right way to go about this. I personally believe that family should always come first but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to spend a lot of time with them. I think it is important though that you are there for your spouse or your kids when they need you and that you are there to support them in the things that they do. If they feel your love and support I don’t think it matters how many hours you work or how much money you make.

Memorial Day Essay

Memorial Day, is a day of joy, a day of sorrow, that means many different things to many different people. Memorial Day is on every last Monday of May. Traditionally on a Monday the Kids will go to school and the parents go to work, but not on the last Monday in May, the school closes, the grills light, the beer cans flood the sidewalks like water during a category five hurricane. Or at least that’s how it use to be, now all of the stores are open, the pools opens, and how you really see what the day is about, the soldiers. Memorial Day for me is all about soldiers and veterans. About four years ago I would always wait anxiously on every Sunday morning from a call from my dad, who was 3,000 miles away on a tiny new found country called Kosovo. Memorial Day is supposed to be a day of remembrance, but some people can’t even bare the thought of thinking about loosing their veteran, like me. Memorial Day was created to honor the soldiers of America, but now it is known for honoring the Memorial Day parade or sales event. Times and traditions have changed drastically, and so have the people of America. In conclusion even though we live in a free country our freedom is still not free. What Memorial Day means to me. When I think of Memorial Day I think of the soldiers I think of the way that these heroes get out of bed each day, and walk to the battlefield to defend our country. Memorial Day is not just a day to respect our current and past veterans, but a day to remember the fallen veterans. Also I think of the heart of a soldier which is like the size of the Titanic, and twice as big, and the soul of a soldier which is free and peaceful. If only the world was free and peaceful. What Memorial Day means to me is the soul of America. Memorial Day is a day that represents no other country on except the United States of America.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Developmental Assets

EDU360 Developmental Assets July 2010 Education is one of the most important aspects of any child’s life. One day I hope to be a positive and successful teacher, where children need and want to have me be a part of their learning and successes throughout their lives. Educational philosophy has changed over the decades, and still today, not everyone is in total and complete agreement on the subject. Nevertheless, one thing is certain: philosophy is the groundwork of learning styles. All children learn differently and no one philosophy is completely correct. Children are not a one size fit all it comes in a verity of style and beliefs. If we start to guile them by being a good role model, you will be giving the needed equity’s to the young people, by giving the need path to go down for success life. There are four basic educational philosophies that exist including idealism, realism, pragmatism, and existentialism. These four philosophies are not the same, but they do attempt to aim for a similar if not the same goal. To put it simply, they are trying to better our educational system. Every teacher has a different style of teaching that can be reflected as their own. For every teacher that is in one way or another stand by the four basic philosophies. The more assets they have, the more they thrive and the less likely they are to take part in risky behavior. Physical characteristics of these children play a huge part it is formed from good relationships, opportunities, and personal qualities these young children will find essential to avoid risks and to thrive in their lives. Teachers most keep in mind that development and improvement of assets is an ongoing process. Not all children possess the same asset but all can grow and develop over time. We need to pass as many assets as we can to the children we encounter one time or daily. Teaching our children to make smart decisions, be responsible students and caring citizens is a goal for all educators. By teaching young children at a young age of kindergarten through third grade to me is the foundation once they are out of the home. Learning new things, through new soundings by teaching boundaries and what the expectations are to give a type of empowerment. With the start of strong relationships between adults and young children, peers are central to asset building. Everyone can build assets needed to success. All children, youth and even adults can and are building the required assets through community and family, by playing their own roles. It is done through positive support in a constructive, active home and school. By giving the core to their self-confidence, this will stay with them as they grow. It important to install empowerment to all children, this can be done by positive reinforcement. Complement day is a fun rewarding why to teach this. Developmental Assets are important for any child to learn to possess them betterThese are important characteristics for all children regardless of background, gender, economic status, ace or family situation (Webb, 2010 p. 227). To have these as early as possible help the children avoid risks and stay away from participating in risky behavior. It helps them learn how to make good choices and caring responsible adults (Schultz, 2006). It really is the foundation to represent to relationships opportunities, and personal qualities that all young people need not be a risk. There is a list of the 40 developmental assents web page is http://www. earch-institute. org/assets for all ages. Developmental assets are broken up into 20 External Assets and 20 Internal Assets. Each one dives into four categories. External Assets: Support, empowerment, boundaries, constructive use of one’s time and expectations these are needed to help give a rounded life. Teachers have the responsibility for these young so they end up with the creating internal assets too. There needs to be an allied commitment to nurture their core qualities, which will guide them to their choices, which will help generate a well-balanced self, capable of resolving issues, and focusing on opportunities. These four categories of internal assets are: a pledge to learn social skills, positive morals, and social skills and give them a positive identity about themselves. For teacher, developmental assets are is the foundation to a wide-range of children and adolescent growth, the ability to spring back for setbacks, and one social and mental health. The more assets young people have the better. Children with more assets at a young age will most likely grow up to be considerate of other, able to accomplish more and become responsible adults. These individuals contribute to their society with a meaningful purpose for their lives. So just by taking the time to know who they are gives a strong foundation the can build on. It’s important to help the children find their loyalty to learning with positive values. This can be done through social planning and decision making, which will give them a positive self-esteem. What it comes down to is that Developmental Assets are the ground work for basic life skills and traits that are a very important start for children to have successful growth and development. It is like giving them the tools to ensure that they have skills to deal with if experiences they will encounter on to make a successful adult. Capable of making good choices for themselves and being that positive influence needed for the others around them. The song the comes to mind is by Michael Jackson called I believe that children are our furthers, it is a example of what is need so badly in our community. The three risk factors I have chosen are low parental support, mentally ill parents, and participating in public assistance programs. Parental support/involvement in education and home is a vital fundamental start to a successful life. Without the support of inside and outside of the school gives a greater chance of a child being at risk. Just by attending parent-teacher conferences, showing interest, and setting expectations makes more of a difference to a child than one realizes. To me, school is important at any age, but a child with low parental support may never see the importance of it through the parent and needs to get support. Another way for a child to be at risk is having a mentally ill parent. Mental illness can have social problems causing many issues within families, school and work. It is not easy for a child to cope with a mentally ill parent. It can cause the role to be reversed the child take care of the parent, leaving no support in the schools and lack of a role model. The child can be neglected or put in to danger. There are children from broken homes that are at risk too. These children are at higher risk in education. There are a wide range of behaviors that come up with a broken home. It has a huge influence on academic performance, psychological and emotional suffering, social misbehavior and teen pregnancy to name just a few. There is a study that says â€Å"children that come from broken homes were three times more likely to suffer from attention deficit disorders than children form intact homes† (Schultz, 2006). Children model the behavior that they see the ones they look up to. If it is lacking the home it is the teacher’s role job to give them positive engagement that will develop the wonted assets. â€Å"Developmental Assets model is a philosophical approach to developing youth rather than criticizing them so they can avoid negative behavior and excel at positive behavior†(Codie, 2010 ). To be a mentor to students at the level they are in need of. Our children in school today have a growing need for stronger home to school connection than ever as the deal with a variety of situations, having anything from a mentally ill parent, to children that are dependent on different programs due to providers not having the finances, right down to having very little parental support. Our children are dealing with increasing choices and need a strong support system to depend on outside of school. Being a family with good communication skills gives children empowerment of safety and good resources that can be used in school and the community. As a school, there are lots of different ways to help children feel like they are fully capable of achieving their true potential. There are a variety of controversial situations children face each and every day inside and outside of schools. In school, there are small groups that play games that address situation they may face on a daily basis from bullying, dealing with anger and how to deal with it appropriate to the situation on the card. Some schools have exemplary programs for dealing with anger, showing them faces on a chart and how they are feeling and what the next step is to stop the anger. It is on the child desk or note book and every classroom wall. This is allowing the child in control of their behavior and letting them learn they can achieve this goal. The biggest thing is to get the parents involved in the handling of what is best for their child. Teachers can make a great impact on our world through the relationships with students. Teachers should help each student meet their fullest potential by providing an atmosphere that is safe, able to support risk-taking and encourages a circulation of ideas. To see the connection to learning through the eyes of the child taught by am inspire is the highest level of sat faction. In education it is a process and sadly some are overlooked. As a teacher, the students would be main concern, guiding me in my philosophy of teaching. It takes experiences and we all have much to learn but to strive to do to teach each and every child as I enter into the workforce. I think the environment should always contribute to an environment that is allowing the teacher to be the guide, it should also be a place that let the child natural interest are free to learn form and the finally one is to show respect for all. Helping students to find the inner nd support in their path success, on most be a mentor and teacher that helps all in need, and by doing this the world is going to be a better place. Class rooms should be about the students and what they can bring to their success. The surrounding that the students are in each day makes a different. When using pictures and things to relate to their class in a contributing to their educational needs. Visual aids are a way to let th e child bring success as a whole but for them self too. Showing the children of the future that they have the ability to learn with the tools available is the role of a teacher. A thriving classroom/school is to teach children how to communicate their own beliefs and nurture their own ideas. Children learn from teaches commination and it leads to trust and positive relations. A simple way to teach this by having a time set aside each week for the children to draw a name and to give a complement to the other students. It builds respect as well confidence for the speaker and receiver. In conclusion, it the student that come first and that is the foundation on which all teaching decisions should be booked. To keep an open mind is to be flexible, each and every one learns a little differently. We as teacher have to learn and change as to what the children’s needs are. We all have the potential to bring something unique and special to the table but when the door is open at a young age more doors will open. Through the use of assets using communication and treating them like we all want to be treated things work out for the best. All it takes is the time to find the common ground between you and any child. One life touch is one step closer to success. It’s like planting seeds for the future and instilling healthy balance in their life. References: Codie McLachlan. (2010, April 30). 0 Assets videos target adults as well as youths. Saint City News, 17. Retrieved August 8, 2010, from Canadian Newsstand Complete. (Document ID: 2045205771). Gudrun Schultz (2006, January 16). Broken Family Structure Leads to Educational Difficulties for Children http://www. lifesitenews. com/ldn/2006/jan/06011605. html Schultz Gudrun (January 16, 2006). Broken Family Structure Leads to Educational Difficulties for Children http://www. lifesitenews. com/ldn/2006/jan/06011605. html Webb, L. D. , Metha, A. & Jordan K. F. (2010). Foundations of American Education (6th ed. ). Developmental Assets EDU360 Developmental Assets July 2010 Education is one of the most important aspects of any child’s life. One day I hope to be a positive and successful teacher, where children need and want to have me be a part of their learning and successes throughout their lives. Educational philosophy has changed over the decades, and still today, not everyone is in total and complete agreement on the subject. Nevertheless, one thing is certain: philosophy is the groundwork of learning styles. All children learn differently and no one philosophy is completely correct. Children are not a one size fit all it comes in a verity of style and beliefs. If we start to guile them by being a good role model, you will be giving the needed equity’s to the young people, by giving the need path to go down for success life. There are four basic educational philosophies that exist including idealism, realism, pragmatism, and existentialism. These four philosophies are not the same, but they do attempt to aim for a similar if not the same goal. To put it simply, they are trying to better our educational system. Every teacher has a different style of teaching that can be reflected as their own. For every teacher that is in one way or another stand by the four basic philosophies. The more assets they have, the more they thrive and the less likely they are to take part in risky behavior. Physical characteristics of these children play a huge part it is formed from good relationships, opportunities, and personal qualities these young children will find essential to avoid risks and to thrive in their lives. Teachers most keep in mind that development and improvement of assets is an ongoing process. Not all children possess the same asset but all can grow and develop over time. We need to pass as many assets as we can to the children we encounter one time or daily. Teaching our children to make smart decisions, be responsible students and caring citizens is a goal for all educators. By teaching young children at a young age of kindergarten through third grade to me is the foundation once they are out of the home. Learning new things, through new soundings by teaching boundaries and what the expectations are to give a type of empowerment. With the start of strong relationships between adults and young children, peers are central to asset building. Everyone can build assets needed to success. All children, youth and even adults can and are building the required assets through community and family, by playing their own roles. It is done through positive support in a constructive, active home and school. By giving the core to their self-confidence, this will stay with them as they grow. It important to install empowerment to all children, this can be done by positive reinforcement. Complement day is a fun rewarding why to teach this. Developmental Assets are important for any child to learn to possess them betterThese are important characteristics for all children regardless of background, gender, economic status, ace or family situation (Webb, 2010 p. 227). To have these as early as possible help the children avoid risks and stay away from participating in risky behavior. It helps them learn how to make good choices and caring responsible adults (Schultz, 2006). It really is the foundation to represent to relationships opportunities, and personal qualities that all young people need not be a risk. There is a list of the 40 developmental assents web page is http://www. earch-institute. org/assets for all ages. Developmental assets are broken up into 20 External Assets and 20 Internal Assets. Each one dives into four categories. External Assets: Support, empowerment, boundaries, constructive use of one’s time and expectations these are needed to help give a rounded life. Teachers have the responsibility for these young so they end up with the creating internal assets too. There needs to be an allied commitment to nurture their core qualities, which will guide them to their choices, which will help generate a well-balanced self, capable of resolving issues, and focusing on opportunities. These four categories of internal assets are: a pledge to learn social skills, positive morals, and social skills and give them a positive identity about themselves. For teacher, developmental assets are is the foundation to a wide-range of children and adolescent growth, the ability to spring back for setbacks, and one social and mental health. The more assets young people have the better. Children with more assets at a young age will most likely grow up to be considerate of other, able to accomplish more and become responsible adults. These individuals contribute to their society with a meaningful purpose for their lives. So just by taking the time to know who they are gives a strong foundation the can build on. It’s important to help the children find their loyalty to learning with positive values. This can be done through social planning and decision making, which will give them a positive self-esteem. What it comes down to is that Developmental Assets are the ground work for basic life skills and traits that are a very important start for children to have successful growth and development. It is like giving them the tools to ensure that they have skills to deal with if experiences they will encounter on to make a successful adult. Capable of making good choices for themselves and being that positive influence needed for the others around them. The song the comes to mind is by Michael Jackson called I believe that children are our furthers, it is a example of what is need so badly in our community. The three risk factors I have chosen are low parental support, mentally ill parents, and participating in public assistance programs. Parental support/involvement in education and home is a vital fundamental start to a successful life. Without the support of inside and outside of the school gives a greater chance of a child being at risk. Just by attending parent-teacher conferences, showing interest, and setting expectations makes more of a difference to a child than one realizes. To me, school is important at any age, but a child with low parental support may never see the importance of it through the parent and needs to get support. Another way for a child to be at risk is having a mentally ill parent. Mental illness can have social problems causing many issues within families, school and work. It is not easy for a child to cope with a mentally ill parent. It can cause the role to be reversed the child take care of the parent, leaving no support in the schools and lack of a role model. The child can be neglected or put in to danger. There are children from broken homes that are at risk too. These children are at higher risk in education. There are a wide range of behaviors that come up with a broken home. It has a huge influence on academic performance, psychological and emotional suffering, social misbehavior and teen pregnancy to name just a few. There is a study that says â€Å"children that come from broken homes were three times more likely to suffer from attention deficit disorders than children form intact homes† (Schultz, 2006). Children model the behavior that they see the ones they look up to. If it is lacking the home it is the teacher’s role job to give them positive engagement that will develop the wonted assets. â€Å"Developmental Assets model is a philosophical approach to developing youth rather than criticizing them so they can avoid negative behavior and excel at positive behavior†(Codie, 2010 ). To be a mentor to students at the level they are in need of. Our children in school today have a growing need for stronger home to school connection than ever as the deal with a variety of situations, having anything from a mentally ill parent, to children that are dependent on different programs due to providers not having the finances, right down to having very little parental support. Our children are dealing with increasing choices and need a strong support system to depend on outside of school. Being a family with good communication skills gives children empowerment of safety and good resources that can be used in school and the community. As a school, there are lots of different ways to help children feel like they are fully capable of achieving their true potential. There are a variety of controversial situations children face each and every day inside and outside of schools. In school, there are small groups that play games that address situation they may face on a daily basis from bullying, dealing with anger and how to deal with it appropriate to the situation on the card. Some schools have exemplary programs for dealing with anger, showing them faces on a chart and how they are feeling and what the next step is to stop the anger. It is on the child desk or note book and every classroom wall. This is allowing the child in control of their behavior and letting them learn they can achieve this goal. The biggest thing is to get the parents involved in the handling of what is best for their child. Teachers can make a great impact on our world through the relationships with students. Teachers should help each student meet their fullest potential by providing an atmosphere that is safe, able to support risk-taking and encourages a circulation of ideas. To see the connection to learning through the eyes of the child taught by am inspire is the highest level of sat faction. In education it is a process and sadly some are overlooked. As a teacher, the students would be main concern, guiding me in my philosophy of teaching. It takes experiences and we all have much to learn but to strive to do to teach each and every child as I enter into the workforce. I think the environment should always contribute to an environment that is allowing the teacher to be the guide, it should also be a place that let the child natural interest are free to learn form and the finally one is to show respect for all. Helping students to find the inner nd support in their path success, on most be a mentor and teacher that helps all in need, and by doing this the world is going to be a better place. Class rooms should be about the students and what they can bring to their success. The surrounding that the students are in each day makes a different. When using pictures and things to relate to their class in a contributing to their educational needs. Visual aids are a way to let th e child bring success as a whole but for them self too. Showing the children of the future that they have the ability to learn with the tools available is the role of a teacher. A thriving classroom/school is to teach children how to communicate their own beliefs and nurture their own ideas. Children learn from teaches commination and it leads to trust and positive relations. A simple way to teach this by having a time set aside each week for the children to draw a name and to give a complement to the other students. It builds respect as well confidence for the speaker and receiver. In conclusion, it the student that come first and that is the foundation on which all teaching decisions should be booked. To keep an open mind is to be flexible, each and every one learns a little differently. We as teacher have to learn and change as to what the children’s needs are. We all have the potential to bring something unique and special to the table but when the door is open at a young age more doors will open. Through the use of assets using communication and treating them like we all want to be treated things work out for the best. All it takes is the time to find the common ground between you and any child. One life touch is one step closer to success. It’s like planting seeds for the future and instilling healthy balance in their life. References: Codie McLachlan. (2010, April 30). 0 Assets videos target adults as well as youths. Saint City News, 17. Retrieved August 8, 2010, from Canadian Newsstand Complete. (Document ID: 2045205771). Gudrun Schultz (2006, January 16). Broken Family Structure Leads to Educational Difficulties for Children http://www. lifesitenews. com/ldn/2006/jan/06011605. html Schultz Gudrun (January 16, 2006). Broken Family Structure Leads to Educational Difficulties for Children http://www. lifesitenews. com/ldn/2006/jan/06011605. html Webb, L. D. , Metha, A. & Jordan K. F. (2010). Foundations of American Education (6th ed. ).